The Sunset is Beautiful, isn’t it?

2 min readJun 5, 2022

Taking it slow and steady wasn’t always my biggest forte; I rush things, I rush love, I rush result. I always want to achieve my goal in the quickest way possible.

But if there’s one thing I learned in the first half of 2022 is to slow down and let go, to let the universe lead your course without being too controlling. Anyhow, my first half of 2022 was indeed a roller-coaster ride: I’ve lost, I’ve loved, and I’ve lost again. But it made me realize that that are things that cannot be rushed, cannot be forced; the best thing that we can do is to surrender and let it take its own beautiful course to what it destined to be. Let it be friendship, love, or career.

I am the kind of person who always hold too tightly to what I want, to someone whom I want. “If I want it, I have to get it” was always been my mantra, but it always give me more pain than happiness. That’s why I’ve been letting go, while it also gives me pain, it liberates me from the unnecessary pain that I might get from holding on too tightly.

Not being in control, for me, is scary. Not knowing what’s happening and will happen next scares me more than anything. But I know that I have to learn to let go, to let certain things and people go so that better things that’s meant for me will come to me easily and effortlessly.

So, the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it? I hope someday, somewhere, we’ll meet again. With all my heart, by then, I hope we are content with the choices we made throughout the times we are away from each other, and we are where we’re supposed to be.

